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Update November 2020

Thank you to everyone who signed up for the Spawn Beta. We’re excited to let you know about the latest updates! If you haven't signed up for our beta yet, click the link below! 👇

👉 Get started

✨ New features#

🤖 Spawnctl#

⌛ Data container lifetimes!#

When creating a data container it is now possible to specify how long the container should live for, before being automatically deleted. See the docs for the new feature Create data-container and Update data-container.

👥 Organisations#

See all the members of your organisation with the new spawnctl get organisation command. This lets you see exactly who has access to Spawn in your organisation.

❌ Just show me the logs#

When data image creation fails, did you know that you can run spawnctl logs data-image to see why? We’ve made this more discoverable by suggesting it whenever an image creation attempt fails. There is also an analogous spawnctl logs data-container command to see the database engine logs for your data containers.

🖖 Aliases#

We’ve added some aliases for the get/create/delete data-container/data-image commands. You can now use di or dc instead of data-image and data-container.

🔐 No more copy/paste of security codes#

spawnctl now authenticates using the Device Authorization Grant, which means you don’t have to copy/paste a code from the browser anymore. Just log into the browser window, and spawnctl will detect you’ve authenticated.

📡 Spawn service#

  • 🕰 We’ve made some cluster improvements, meaning more consistent startup times for data containers.

📝 Blog posts#

Development and containers - Gotta go fast!#

Development containers are part of a Visual Studio Code extension that allows you to....

Read more about how to use dev containers and spawn