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Update February 2021

Hello again from the 🛸 Spawn 🛸 team,

February was a busy month, and we've got some interesting things for you. Spawn is now in an 🛸 Open Beta 🛸 🎉 so go ahead and try it out! We've also open sourced our demo repository to show what Spawn can do and written some new blog posts.

We're still posting updates to our Twitter account. Give us a follow at @Spawn_Db and ask us any questions you might have.

🛸 Get started instantly!#

  • Download Spawnctl
  • spawnctl auth
  • spawnctl onboard

And you are ready to go! :)

You’ll be asked to sign in with Github credentials

Beta usage is up to 5 concurrent data containers, please contact us if you need more

👐 Open Source#

We open sourced our Spawn Demo repo, including Github Actions.

Chris explains how to unlock database testing in CI with Spawn.

📝 Blog posts#

Breaking the database CI speed limit with Spawn#

It can often feel like your continuous integration (CI) environment has an artificial speed limit on it when you’ve got databases involved...

Read more about how spawn speeds up your continuous integration pipelines

Kubernetes testing: from Minikube to Multi-tenant clusters#

Check out how the Spawn team moved from minikube to multi-tenant clusters to test Spawn...

Read more about the Spawn team moved to multi-tenant clusters to test the Spawn service

✨ New features#

🤖 Spawnctl#

View database engine versions in the output of spawnctl get data-images and spawnctl get data-containers

🗣️ Organisations#

You can now see who is part of your org by running spawnctl get organisation

You can also see who owns which images by running spawnctl get data-images -o wide

If you are an org admin you can now see who owns which containers within your org by running spawnctl get data-containers --org

You can also update and delete existing containers (even if they do not belong to you) by adding the --org flag at the end of your commands.

You can create users within your organisation by running spawnctl create user

🖼️ Image lifetimes#

We also just released the ability to allow spawn to clean up existing images with the --lifetime flag (similar to how you can clean up containers). When you create a new image or when you update an existing one. Spawn will then remove those resources the same way as for data-containers.

spawnctl create data-image -f ./dev.yaml --lifetime 2h


spawnctl update data-image 10001 --lifetime 2h

The second command will update the lifetime of your data-image to 2 hours and attempt to remove it when the time expires. If it has existing containers it will not be removed.